Advisory Board
Marketing Advisor
Advice you can count on
Very important decisions get made behind closed doors inside of board rooms across the world. Not everyone has the same knowledge and talents. That is why it is important to have board members from all walks of life who truly understand the business. It is also important for board members to be able to make introductions to industry leaders who can further the business’s goals. Joey Trend has the expertise and connections to make your campaign revenue skyrocket into an upward trend.
Joey knows what it takes to grow revenue and bring in new leads from new markets. He has been a lifelong entrepreneur starting from a young age and continuing on today. If you are looking for someone to take your business to new heights book a call with Joey.
Marketing is something Joey is passionate about and he has many years of experience in web design, social media management, and SEO. Throughout his career in marketing, Joey has brought in hundreds of millions of visits to his clients’ websites.
Having strong leaders is super important for the long-term survival of your company. Joey is a tested and strong leader whose insight and strength will carry your company far into the future. Joey’s Southern charm and firmness in his positions make for a great leader.
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